Sample BBS list to import in Terminate phonedirectory This is a format used in Denmark for a BBS list called DK-BBS If your country does not have such a standard list, contact 2:231/40 so you can use this format with permission in your country. (Filerequest or download DK-BBS.LZH for a complete and updated list) Used with permission --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The list is 136 chars wide, so there is more --> ------------------------ -------- ----- - - - - ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------- ------- --------- --------- BBS NAME PHONE MODEM T P R L FIDONET SYSOP COMMENTS VERIFY WEEKDAYS WEEKENDS ~----------------------- -------- ----- - - - - ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------- ------- --------- --------- DAN BBS / COM1 ZyXEL 42643827 14HW R N Y Y 231/111 Bo Bendtsen >-----=> Home of Terminate 940103* 0000-2400 0000-2400 DataBanken/RaceNet 53911503 14U R Y Y 231/40 L›ndahl/Smith RaceNet HQ Danmark 930420 0000-2400 0000-2400 SoundWare BBS 36459769 96VW R N N Y 231/360 Lars Nyby THE BEST MIDI BBS IN DK 930221 0000-2400 0000-2400 The Programmer's Inn 75364883 14HUW O Y Y Y 231/12 Soren Ager Portal of Power dev. site 921023! 0000-2400 0000-2400